We’re back in business!



Note: Thank you to Draugwyn for being my first new paid member! And also for finding a showstopping problem! The problem is fixed now, and the current download is 0.0.2.

In principle at least, you can at last download the software and take a look! Woo-hoo! Here’s what you need to do:

If you’ve been with me ever since the Olden Days (i.e. you had an account on the previous grandroids.com website), then look in your account on this site (it’s on the menu bar, above) and check that you’re now listed under “My Memberships” as “Member โ€“ kickstarter“, rather than as a Visitor. I’ve successfully upgraded most of you, but some of you used a different email and/or username for this site, so I’m certain to have missed a few. If it still shows you as a Visitor and you believe you’re entitled to be a kickstarter member, just drop me a quick email at steve@grandroids.com and let me know your real name, username, and the email you’ve used on here. I’ll upgrade you asap and let you know when I’ve done it.

Alternatively, you can sign up as a normal member instead (either now or later), if you feel that you would like to continue supporting my work. The kickstarter tier is just to fulfill my promise to people who backed the kickstarter, that they would get a free copy of the game. Being on it means you don’t have to pay, but there are no other benefits beside that.

If you’re a newbie and you’d like to sign up as a paid member, then you can do this from your account page. I’ve set up two tiers – $5/month or $50/year (US dollars, but it should automatically convert). If you find that things just aren’t working out for you for any reason, you’ll be able to cancel using the same page in a few clicks, and it will only cost you your first payment. So, if you’re not sure yet, you could always sign up for the $5 tier now, and change it later if you want to.

Having sorted out your membership, you should then be able to download the software from the dashboard (it’s about 2GB). I’ve put up a Windows version and a Linux version. I’ve tested the Linux build on a native Mint install, and it runs fine (through Vulcan) without messing with any permissions, etc. But given that there are a million varieties of Linux and it’s not my thing, I’ll have to trust that you know what you’re doing!

I have attempted a Mac version too, but I don’t actually have a Mac, so I can’t test it! The chances of it working, therefore, are probably pretty slim. It seemed to work before, but a lot has changed with this version and I have no experience with mac development, so I guess it would be best if at least one kind kickstarter backer would try it out first, for free, and then let us know what happens! I could also build an Xbox version eventually, I guess, but again, I don’t currently own an Xbox. The quantum computer version will have to wait.

The program can be unzipped to anywhere you like and run from there. There’s no installer yet. I’d like to sort out an auto-updater eventually, but that’s complicated, so for now you’ll have to download the whole thing every time I put up a new build.

The first time you run it, the software will ask you to sign in with the same email you use on this site (no password needed), and then it won’t nag you again for a month.

That’s the theory, anyway! I’m bound to have forgotten a million things, and I know there are LOADS of minor bugs and issues, but it should run okay on 64-bit Windows and Linux. The whole point of all this effort was just to get things to a stage where I can start producing new builds at steady intervals – I’m aiming for one every month or so. There will probably be a hotfix for this one, though, once I find out how everyone gets on. For now, I’d like to focus on showstopper problems only, but I’ll try to get a bug-reporting tool in place eventually. I’ve reset the version number to 0.0.1, because that will make it easier for me to produce versions that either do or don’t require a reset of the world, and/or the heartless deaths of your creatures, since they involve breaking changes in the code.

My PC here is a low- to mid-level gaming machine: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X (4GHz), NVIDIA 3060 gpu, 64GB, Windows 11. Memory shouldn’t be an issue at all, but a low-end graphics card might well be. I’m getting 40-60fps here, and I’d be interested in hearing what results you get. There are a few things you can fiddle with in Settings, but they probably don’t do much yet to speed things up. Hopefully I can optimize the code and add more configuration options for slower machines in the future. I should be able to add DLSS, for instance, but I haven’t tried yet.

The creatures themselves are absolutely stuffed full of bugs, but they’re mostly biological ones. They still walk into walls more than they should, and fail to pay attention to things I’d expect them to. They still have trouble even learning to eat, and they tend to suffer from ADHD, including getting fixated on things. For some reason, babies often start out looking like they’re dead, and then randomly spring into life after a few minutes. I’ve no idea why. You wouldn’t believe how complex their biology is, given how stupid they still are. But there are many hundreds of interacting genetic, chemical and neural parameters to tweak, and sometimes there’s no easy way to figure out what’s actually going on inside their bodies or minds. I have to be a biologist, ethologist and neuroscientist, more than a programmer! It’s going to take some interesting sleuthing to understand them and tweak genes so that they eventually behave the way they should, which I really hope you’ll enjoy helping with.

In this version, you’ll get two families of creatures (each with two parents and 0-2 children). I’ll leave you to search for them. The children are realistically genetically related to their ‘parents’, but the parents have never actually met each other before! There’s no reason to suppose they’ll even like each other. And bear in mind that even though they’re adults, they know absolutely nothing, as if they’ve just been born (because they have). One day I hope to have a proper adoption agency, where people can upload and download experienced creatures with a real life history, but for now, I’ve just created pairs of creatures at random, forced them to instantly reach adulthood, and created some children by combining their genes. They don’t vary all that much yet, either. Different hairstyles and skin coloring, and a few differences in their genes, but adding a wider range of alleles into the gene pool is a job for later.

Pressing F1 should open your browser at some basic help. If everything goes pear-shaped, try hitting ESCAPE, and select the little checkbox in the dialog box. This will give you the option to exit the game and reset the whole world, starting with some new creatures. Alternatively, you can hold down the R key while the initial load screen is appearing, and that will reset everything too.

Once I’ve ironed out the worst kinks with this release, the two main things I want to focus on next, I think, are:

1) Documenting some of the biology in the Encyclopedia and on this blog. How do their brains, genes, biochemistry and emotions work? There’s a lot of interesting stuff to explain!

2) adding some better science equipment in the house, so that you can monitor and support the creatures’ health, etc.

OMG! Okay, deep breath, here we go! Good luck everybody! Let me know in the comments if you have any questions or problems. I mean, there are only a hundred million ways this can go wrong…

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28 days ago

I look forward to playing!!! Thank you for all that you do, sir!

28 days ago

Wait, the parents needto like eatch other for breeding? That makes it difficult…

With norns i just needed to spam “push norn” until they breed…

Also it seem that my llamas rather jump off a cliff than goling into the trolley. Bu it looks cute how they jump around!

Also it seems likei don’t have permissions to cheat a uniquenewborn into the world.

Can others test if it is a me issue?

Last edited 28 days ago by Mabus
28 days ago

Oh something else icouldn’t see, is there a visual indicator of males and females?

If it helps, i would make you a blendshape for the two genders, or is there already a visual clue and i just missed it? (because i don’t mind breeding with no results between a couple, but if it turns out they where two dudes all along…. that might be frustratig)

28 days ago

Hi Steve, good job getting this out. A real milestone!
I can check out a Mac build for you this weekend, I’ll set a reminder. Likewise I will take a look in the world and look if I can donate any models (I saw previously a conversation about the cable car for instance).

Though if you have anything specific you want, please email me. I’ve been on quite the 3D binge these last 3-4 months.

Look forward to playing when I get some time on the weekend, I checked the membership, I’ve been upgraded – so thanks for that too ๐Ÿ™‚

Zach the Cat Guy
Zach the Cat Guy
28 days ago

I caught my creatures trying to hire a divorce lawyer already, youโ€™re a terrible matchmaker Steve.

28 days ago

interesting to watch them wiggle their limbs in their sleep. dreaming? as expected, i am having difficulty getting them to do anything with mushrooms besides kick them around. is the “magic wand” icon a working feeder also? just waving this in front of vacant eyes…

27 days ago

Yay, congrats on shipping the build!!

One machine I can report that it does *not* run on is my 10 year old laptop (2.4 GHz Intel Core i7-5500U Dual-Core, AMD FirePro M4170 Graphics Card).
It actually does start up and I get into the world, but the frame rate is just too low (maybe 0.5-1 fps). Well, I didn’t really expect it to run on that.

Are there still options to configure the graphics quality, like in older Grandroid builds (on Linux)?

I’ll try it on my work laptop tomorrow, which is quite a bit newer.

My desktop also has a much more recent GPU, but I currently don’t have a place for connecting a monitor to it, so it’s not usable for gaming right now…

27 days ago

I would be happy to test out the Mac version for you!



26 days ago

The game just crashes after I enter my email on my laptop. I can try running it from my desktop which is more powerful (though not 64GB RAM powerful! That’s considered low to mid tier these days? o_O), but it’s not good for playing stuff at since the desk it’s at is uncomfortable for me to sit at for long periods. Maybe I can get something working to stream it from my desktop to my laptop.

26 days ago

Regarding the controls, any chance of an option to be able to move the camera without needing to right click? It would make it slightly more pleasant to navigate in general, and much easier to move around while holding things like the wand.
Also, being able to increase the turn sensitivity further would be nice. Even with it all the way up, I have to move the mouse quite far to be able to turn around.

26 days ago

Slightly off-topic but I love the steampunk aesthetic of the new site ๐Ÿ™‚

26 days ago


26 days ago

Thank’s for this new build !

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