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Moving with the mouse:

Hold down right button to look/turn. While the right button is down, the left button moves forward, and the middle button moves backward.

You can change it so the right button is a toggle, in Settings. This can help if you have a trackpad, for example.

Default key mappings:

WASD: Move. ZX shuffle sideways. AD turn/look left and right. EC look up/down.


Hold shift to run, or jump higher.

Q: Sit down, or sit on/in a vehicle (get close to it first). Press again to get off. When in a vehicle, the normal movement keys steer and drive instead.

There are some other keys to help laptop users who don’t have a mouse, but right at this moment I forget what they are! Probably ENTER is like a left mouse button, etc.

F1 brings you here (but eventually it’ll bring you to a full help menu, when I’ve written more help!). If you’re hovering over an object and a blue [F1] icon appears in the corner of the screen, you can press F1 to find help on that specific object.

F2 toggles the purple notes that I’ve left here and there.

You can also use an X-Box controller instead of a mouse. Again, I can’t remember which buttons do what, off the top of my head, but you’ll probably figure it out!


1 (hand) is for general pointing/activating. If the hand turns yellow when you hover over and object, you can click on it. Make sure you’re close enough, if you expect it to be clickable but it isn’t. Some objects can be dragged, e.g. knobs and levers.

2 (clutching hand): some objects can be picked up and moved. Again, the mouse cursor turns yellow if this can be done. When you’re carrying something, you can reel it in and out using the mouse wheel. The green stripe helps you to see when the carried object is positioned above a basket or whatever.

3 (shopping basket): Can be used to put many smaller objects in your backpack (inventory). To drop them again, go to the right-hand user drawer, open the “Me” section, and click on the object you want to drop.

4 (magic wand): This is supposed to be for training and encouraging creatures, although they don’t seem to take much notice. Click the mouse button to add a small piece of cheese to the end of the stick. The mouse wheel charges the wand up with electricity, which gives creature a small discouraging shock when the wand touches them.

5 (comb): you can click or drag this on a creature to gently brush it. Currently it has no visible effect, but the creatures feel soothed by it.

6: (collar): Select this and click on a creature to put a leash on it. The mouse wheel makes the leash longer and shorter (shown by the size of a large cylinder).

7: (syringe): You can use this to draw blood from a creature, take it to a science machine, and squirt the blood into it for testing. Eventually you’ll also be able to administer drugs and nutrients this way.

8 (flashlight): Does what you’d expect! You can still use other tools while the flashlight is on.

9 (debug): This is just for me. Although if you want to use it, the mouse wheel selects an action. Eventually I’ll replace it with a bell or horn tool that can attract creatures’ attention and maybe encourage them to follow you, but I haven’t made it yet.

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Proceedings of the Frampton Gurney Phantasmagorical Society during the year 1924 2024.

Printed on behalf of the Society by Word Press, Nempnett Thrubwell


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