Version 0.0.3, is now uploaded. It fixes the problem with fatal errors sometimes occurring when reloading the game (I hope).
If there are any other showstoppers after this one (hah!) then I’ll list them on this same post.
P.S. The Mac version doesn’t apparently work at all. Sorry. I’ll leave it up, in case anyone with mac dev expertise can tell me what’s going wrong. I don’t have a clue, because I don’t own a mac!
If you have major problems, you can email me ( your logfiles, which may help me see what’s going wrong.
On Windows you’ll find them at C:\Users\<your_user>\AppData\LocalLow\Grandroids\Phantasia. The most useful one for my own code is Gamelog.txt, but player.log has useful stuff about how the Unity player ran.
For other platforms, see this page in the Unity docs.
I may need to increase the logging level in future, to get sufficient information, but writing log messages takes quite a while, so it slows the game down.
they crumple up like this when they die or is that just a bug?
(i tried embedding directly since firefox seemed to allow it but it didn’t turn out to work that way)
edit: managed to right itself but sometimes i’ve seen them twisted up and not recover
Bug report:
started in version 0.0.1 and continued until version 0.0.3
apeared when saving, can’t load the gama because of it.
Gotan idea what might have caused it? WHen i tried to get the llamas into the cablecar, they rather jumped off the cliff. One at the bottom still moved relative to the cable car. tought noting of that at the time, except “of funny” – but might be stuck in the car without beeing in the car? duno?
Solution, restarted a new world
Congratulation on getting a build out!
The app does not launch on my mac book air m1 (2020 model), it’s not a gaming machine anyway, it might work on a intel based mac though. I don’t have a gaming pc available right now but if I can get my hand on one I’ll give the new build a try!
Opened the game for the second time, and it threw two errors, the second which didn’t offer the option to continue:

I downloaded the game after the hotfix was already out, though I notice that the files are timestamped as being from the morning of the 17th, the day before your post about the hotfix.
Hi Steve, sorry for reporting back late (I am off work sick today :’) lovely weekend flu).
I just wanted to let you know that I got the game running on Mac (My M1 Air with 16GB RAM).
The problem was simply that that Mac build has some issues with the attributes (codesigning related from what I can tell) set on the build. When you build for MacOS, you make a
file, which in reality is just a directory containing metadata and an executable.If you are on Mac and want to run it, simply unzip the app, and run
xattr -rc
This clears all the attributes on the directory, “r” for recursive and “c” for clear.
Performance wise it is 1-2 FPS, but the M1 chip is a different architecture and so on. So imo I would not worry about supporting Mac unless some easy Unity options help you with performance there.. I wonder if it would run faster in Wine running a Windows build on Mac instead
Run game for 4.5 hours. It didn’t crash. Creatures mostly run around. I didn’t understand if they ate and drank. They did pose like they were grazing or drinking, thirst and hunger were around 1. I know that they are supposed to eat mushrooms, not plants and it frustrates me a little because there are so much plants around. Creatures didn’t interact with objects. After 4.5 hours their heads became really big. When I tried to reload the game it gave an error.
Decided to draw one of mine in my sketchbook.

Relatedly, it seems like they have trouble getting out of the stream once they’ve walked into it. I think the bank might be a bit to steep for them to easily walk up it.
I think i got enough playtime for ome real feedback:
the game feels relaxing, haven’t had something like that in a long time.
Similar to watching animals play.
Compared to the Gandroids build, the Phantasia one feelsless like a laboratory and more like an animal care center. Specially since i can’t spam create new Bollys.
The biggest problems arealready meantioned in the bug reports (to little food and no water recognition). But a few of the Bollys had no problem climbing out of the water, just no motivation to do so (maybe making the water unpleasantly cold would help with that?)
i had the mot fun with a female Bolly, played ball with her. It all started when she spawned and accidentally tipped the Ball. After that she learned that the all can e interacted and started chasing it.
later she done the same with some feeding cakes
but ver since he played with the feeding cake, she seems stuck with it. But i don’t knowif it is animal stupidity (had that with my dogs, cat and ducks as well in real life) or a bug. But she just walks around with the cake and doesn’t eat it
Her male just runs around doing nothing, seems that random kick of the ball early in her development made a hughe difference.
Right now i fear stopping the game, because i don’t want to loose her with a save coruption error.
Guess i have to let the PCrun overnight…
This one female showed me that the gameyou are making got the potential i was hoping for!
You are defendly on the right track!
i think some aliens abducted my placeholder cows (playtime at discovery 5.0h)
on a more serious note, the toggle info place cards is very valuable – without them i got no chance to track my bollys
EDIT: my cows are back – maybe they are only daytime active?
I loaded the game today, and noticed that Solison is now listed as being female. I checked the screenshots I took as reference for my drawing in case I was misremembering, and she definitely used to be male.

In fact, it seems that all of my creatures are female currently, though Solison is the only one that I’m certain wasn’t before.
Noticed that the error that I and Mabus got that prevented the save from being loaded both mentioned the same file. I checked the backup I made of my States folder before I reset the world, and it’s the only thing in there that lacks a name before the long hex string (UID?). I compared it to my current states folder, and the hex string matched the “barrier” file (barrier.3f60fead-a011-48cf-bb7b-acde1aea01c3.ser). So somehow, in the save that couldn’t load, the name got messed up on that file. Not sure if the actual contents of the file also got messed up or not. Going to back up my current save and drop the old one back in, but try appending “barrier” to the beginning of that file’s name and see if it loads.
Woke up and checked my bollys. And found her sleeping on a cosy place, witch gave me a question for waaaay down the list
If the train comes (onceit is added and moving) – does it stop for bollys, splatter them realistical or moves them out of`the way with loony tuines physics?
EDIT: she woke up and seems broken. She jiggles around, spine and neck muscles seem to be non functional. But somehow she learnedto move around way faster, by abuing the “STANDING UP” physics that pevent falling down. But i understand that, for her most of the world is empty. Locking a newborn in an empty room for 12 h doesn’t seem like a smart choice…
closed and reopend my world, this error occured
I won’t open the game until tomorrow, if you need any files, just say it (but it is a big head world – maybe the problem is already fixed anyway?)
I promise it will be the only thing I ever ask for, but could I make a (hopefully) small request for your next major release?
I would really appreciate being able to use WASD, where A and D are what you currently use Z/X for. It is how my brain has been programmed due to nearly 20 years of this style of movement in first person games. I think you will get this request in the future too.
I only just booted it up on my Windows machine, so looking forward to having some fun! Super excited :’)
I noticed the custom bindings, but I am too stupid to figure it out
Okay I have had a brief but fun run with the time I can afford today!
It went a little something like this:
I found little Falynne right away using the biosensor, and their head drooped as I approached. Very very cute! Snoring was adorable, and especially their puffy manes.
The world is extremely well filled in, it feels like a place I can genuinely explore and get to know. The assets being used seem top notch, good work sourcing/making those.
Whilst this game is not about the graphics at all, I have to say I am very impressed with the attention to detail. I can see the leaves flowing along the top of water (a very trippy experience the first time around).
I also found myself chuckling as I visited the errors and saw your messages to us, “- tea party? Dunno” 😀
Sorry if you’ve answered these before, but I have this in my hands now and I feel like it is something I can enjoy leaving running whilst working on projects. Luckily my machine is well equipped for it but I can hear my GPU and fans whirring. Is that mostly the graphics, physics or the core of your biology/neurology running on my system that is most demanding
Programmers curiosity, what is the most system taxing part of the project? The graphics, physics or biology/neurology?How am I perceived by the creatures?Can they for instance see my flash light?I noticed the little one flapping their mouth open and closed sometimes (like talking) when sleeping. Are all of these physical ticks an emergent property of the system?When leashes and grabbing fails, how can I help my creature when all tangled up?I’m not clever enough to appreciate the hard work behind the scenes, but let me say what a great job you’ve done in making me care about the creatures. My partner laughed from the other room because I said “Awh hey darling” like I do to my dog.
The movement is well improved, I see they are much more robust walkers now! I ended up deciding to take some pictures too. I will play some more tomorrow! I didn’t encounter any errors, but I also don’t have a full hour into it either 🙂
Oh and something about your optimisation.
Normally I can play VR chat in the winter and my PC heats the whole room into a cosy temperature (we don’t talk about summer…)
But with Phantasia, even when I let it run overnight, the room temperature barely changes at all…
Ahoy, when I try the game, I can move the cursor a bit but at the same time it tries to go to the center again. So essentially I cant move the mouse and quit the game with saving. I think when I played on a different computer (laptop without mouse) that wasn’t an issue.
Doesn’t run at all for me, gives appication unable to start 0xc000005.
I’m on a Win 7 box, I wonder if that’s the problem. The old ones did run for me.